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Indian Air Force Recruitment 2021: Apply for 1524 Group C vacancies till June 16

Indian Air Force Recruitment 2021: Apply for 1524 Group C vacancies till June 16

About Indian Air Force Recruitment

Officially established on October 8, 1932, the Indian Air Force stands with its primary mission to protect the Indian airspace and conduct aerial warfare. Honourable President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind, is the Commander-in-Chief. 

Indian Air Force Group C Recruitment 2021 Download Application Form for IAF Group C Civilian Posts 2021 Indian Air Force Recruitment Notification for 1524 Posts of Fireman MTS LDC House Keeping Staff Recruitment 2021 Indian Air Force Jobs Vacancy 2021 Apply Offline IAF Group C Posts 2021 Eligibility Criteria for IAF Cook 2021 IAF MTS No. of Vacancies 2021 IAF MTS Education Qualification/ Selection Process

Indian Air Force Group C Recruitment 2021

Indian Air Force Group C Recruitment 2021 (255 Posts) Application Form

Applications are invited from eligible Indian citizens for the recruitment of following Group ‘C’ Civilian posts at the various Air Force Stations/Units mentioned below. The eligible candidates may address their application to the concerned Stations/Units. The details of the posts are given below:

Origination NameIndian Air Force

Name of Post – Group C Civilian Posts

No. of Vacancy – 1524 posts

Selection Process – Written Exam

Exam Date

Application Submission Start Date – 02.05.2021

Last Date to Apply Online – 16.06.2021

Aspirants selection will be based on the Written Test.

Pay Scale:

Selected contenders will get a salary of Rs. 18,000/- to Rs. 25,500/- per month.

Application Procedure for Indian Air Force Recruitment 2021:

  • Visit the Official Website of the Indian Air Force.
  • Search for the recruitment tab.
  • Click on the Indian Air Force Notification and refer to all the clear details.
  • Download the application form and fill all the required details.
  • Send the application along with self-attested copies of relevant documents to the following address given in the official notification.

IAF Recruitment Pay Scale 2021

The Indian Air Force salary for the Group C post vacancies are as follows:

Level Pay Scale
Level 1 Rs. 18,000/-
Level 2 Rs. 19,990/-
Level 4 Rs. 25,500/-

Name of the Post: Indian Air Force Group C Civilian Offline Form 2021

Post Date: 02-05-2021

Total Vacancy: 1515

Brief Information: Indian Air Force has announced a notification for Group C Civilian. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply.

Indian Air Force

Group C Civilian Vacancy 2021


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Important Dates

  • Date of Advertisement: 03 to 09-04-2021
  • Last Date for Receipt of Application: Within 30 Days from the date Advertisement
Age Limit

  • Minimum Age: 18 Years
  • Maximum Age: 25 Years
Vacancy Details
Group C Civilian
Sl No Post Name Total Qualification
1 Senior Computer Operator 02 Degree (Mathematics/ Statistics)
2 Supdt (Store) 66 Any Degree
3 Steno Gde-II 39 10+2, Typing Knowledge
4 LDC 53
5 Hindi Typist 12
6 Store Keeper 15 12th Class
7 Civilian Mechanical Transport Driver (Ordinary Grade) 49 Matriculation, Valid Civil Driving License
8 Cook (Ordinary Grade) 124 Matriculation, Diploma (Catering)
9 Painter (Skilled) 27 10th Class, ITI
10 Carpenter 31
11 Ayah/Ward Sahayika 24 Matriculation, 1 Year Experience
12 Housekeeping Staff (Female Safaiwali/HKS) 345 Matriculation
13 Laundryman 24 Matriculation, 1 Year Experience
14 Mess Staff 190
15 MTS 404
16 Vulcaniser 07
17 Tailor (Skilled) 07 10th Class, ITI
18 Tinsmith 01
19 Copper Smith & Sheet Metal Worker (CS&SMW) (Skilled) 03
20 Fireman 42 Matriculation, Training (Fire Fighting)
21 Fire Engine Driver 04 Matriculation, 3 Year Experience
22 FMT (Fitter Mechanical Transport) (Skilled) 12 10th Class, ITI
23 Tradesman Mate 23 Matriculation
24 Leather worker (skilled) 02 10th Class, ITI
25 Turner (Skilled) 01
26 Wireless Operator Mechanic HSW Gd-II (WOM HSW) 01
Interested Candidates Can Read the Full Notification Before Apply


Details of Vacancy :

Unit Name No. of Posts
Western Air Command Units 362
Southern Air Command Units 28
Eastern Air Command Units 132
Central Air Command Units 116
Maintenance Command Units 479
Training Command Units 407
Total Posts 1524

Age Limit :

For all posts 18-25 years (The crucial date for determining age limit is the last date of receipt of application).

Age Relaxation: –

  1. 03 years for the candidates belonging to OBC.
  2. 05 Years for the candidates belonging to SC/ST category.
  3. 10 years for the candidates belonging to Physically Handicapped. (Additional 05 years in case of Physically Handicapped belonging to SC, ST & 03 years for OBC category)

Pay Scale :

Post Pay scale
Senior Computer Operator Level-5, as per Pay Matrix 7th CPC
Supdt (Store) Level-4, as per Pay Matrix 7th CPC
Steno Gde-II Level-4, as per Pay Matrix 7th CPC
Lower Division Clerk (LDC) Level-2, as per Pay Matrix 7th CPC
Hindi Typist Level-2, as per Pay Matrix 7th CPC
Store Keeper Level-2, as per Pay Matrix 7th CPC
Civilian Mechanical Transport Driver (Ordinary Grade) Level-2, as per. Pay Matrix 7th CPC
Cook (Ordinary Grade) Level-2, as per Pay Matrix 7th CPC
Painter (Skilled) Level-2, as per Pay Matrix 7th CPC
Carpenter (Skilled) Level-2, as per Pay Matrix 7th CPC
Ayah/Ward Sahayika Level-1, as per Pay Matrix 7th CPC
Housekeeping Staff (Female Safaiwall) Level-1, as per Pay Matrix 7th CPC
House Keeping Staff (HKS) Level-1, as per Pay Matrix 7th CPC
Laundryman Level-1, as per Pay Matrix 7th CPC
Mess Staff Level-1, as per Pay Matrix 7th CPC
Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) Level-1, as per Pay Matrix 7th CPC
Vulcaniser Level-1. as per Pay Matrix 7th CPC
Tailor (Skilled) Level-2, as per Pay Matrix 7th CPC
Tinsmith (Skilled) Level-2, as per Pay Matrix 7th CPC
Copper Smith and Sheet Metal Worker (CS&SMW) (Skilled) Level-2, as per Pay Matrix 7th CPC
Fireman Level-2, as per Pay Matrix 7th CPC
Fire Engine Driver Level-3, as per Pay Matrix 7th CPC
FMT (Fitter Mechanical Transport) (Skilled) Level-2, as per Pay Matrix 7th CPC
Tradesman Mate (erstwhile labourer on ammunition duties) Level-1, as per Pay Matrix 7th CPC
Leather Worker (skilled) Level-2, as per Pay Matrix 7th CPC
Turner (Skilled) Level-2, as per Pay Matrix 7th CPC
Wireless Operator Mechanic HSW Gd-II (WOM HSW) Level-4, as per Pay Matrix 7th CPC

Education Qualification :

Post Essential & Desirable Education Qualification
Senior Computer Operator Essential: Graduate in Mathematics or Statistics from a recognized University and One Year experience In the Electronic Data Processing.
Supdt (Store) Essential: Graduate of a recognized University or equivalent.
Desirable: Experience in handling Stores and keeping Accounts in a store of a concern of repute in Public or Private sector.
Steno Gde-II 12th Class pass or equivalent from recognized Board or University.
Skill Test Norms: Dictation: 10 Mts @ 80 wpm, Transcription: 50 Mts (Eng), 65 Mts (Hindi) on Computer.
Lower Division Clerk (LDC) 12th Class pass from a recognized Board. A typing speed of 35 wpm in English or 30 wpm in Hindi on computer (35 wpm and 30 wpm correspond to 10500 KDPH/9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word)
Hindi Typist 12th Class pass from a recognized Board. A typing speed of 35 wpm in English or 30 wpm in Hindi on computer (35 wpm and 30 wpm correspond to 10500 KDPH/9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word)
Store Keeper Essential : 12th Class pass or equivalent from recognized Board or University.
Desirable: Experience in handling Stores and keeping Accounts in a store of a concern of repute in Public or Private sector.
Civilian Mechanical Transport Driver (Ordinary Grade) Essential : Matriculation pass or equivalent qualification from a recognized board or university; Must be holding a valid Civil Driving License for light and heavy vehicles; Must possess professional skill in driving and know-ledge of motor mechanism; Minimum two years experience in driving motor vehicles.
Cook (Ordinary Grade) Matriculation from a recognized board with a certificate or diploma in catering; 1 year experience in trade.
Painter (Skilled) 10th pass from a recognized Board or Institute. Industrial Training Institute Certificate in the trade of Painter from a recognized institute OR Ex-servicemen in appropriate trade viz. Painter
Carpenter (Skilled) 10th pass from a recognized Board or Institute. Industrial Training Institute Certificate in the trade of Carpenter from a recognized institute OR Ex-servicemen in appropriate trade viz. Carpenter Rigger
Ayah/Ward Sahayika Essential: Matriculation pass or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board or University. Desirable: One year of experience as Ayah in Hospitals or Nursing Homes from an Organization or Institute.
Housekeeping Staff (Female Safaiwall) Matriculation pass or equivalent qualification from a recognised University or Board.
House Keeping Staff (HKS) Matriculation pass or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board or University.
Laundryman Essential: Matriculation pass or equivalent qualification from a recognized University or Board. Desirable: One year of experience as Dhobi from an Organization or Institute.
Mess Staff Essential: Matriculation pass or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board or University. Desirable: One year of experience as Waiter or Washer up from an Organization or Institute.
Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) Essential: Matriculation pass or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board or University. Desirable: One year of experience as Watch-man or Lascar or Gestetner Operator or Gardener from an Organization or Institute.
Vulcaniser Matriculation pass or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board or University. OR Ex-servicemen from appropriate trade.
Tailor (Skilled) (i) 10th pass from a recognized Board or University.
(ii) Industrial Training Institute Certificate in the trade of Tailor from a recognized institute OR Ex-servicemen from appropriate trade.
Tinsmith (Skilled) (i) 10th pass from a recognized Board or University.
(ii) Industrial Training Institute Certificate in the appropriate trade from a recognized institute or Ex-serviceman from appropriate trade.
Copper Smith and Sheet Metal Worker (CS&SMW) (Skilled) (i) 10th pass from a recognized Board or University.
(ii) Industrial Training Institute Certificate in the trade of Copper Smith and Sheet Metal Worker-from a recognized institute with one year experience in relevant field.
Fireman Essential: (i) Matriculation or equivalent qualification from a recognised board.
(ii) Must have undergone training in Fire Figh-ting under a state fire service or a recog-nised institute of repute.
(iii) Must be conversant with the use and maintenance of all types of extinguishers, Hose Fittings and Fire appliances and equipments like Fire Engine, Trailer Fire Pumps and Foam Branches
(iv) Must be physically fit and capable of per-forming strenuous duties and must have passed the test specified in Note-1 below. OR Ex-serviceman of appropriate trade.
Desirable: (i) Should be familiar with maintenance and operation of various types of Fire appliances. (ii) Experience of having worked In a regular Civil or Defence Fire Brigade as Fireman from any Govemment. (iii) Have passed the General Fire Fighting Course from any Government recognised institute.
Note-1:- Physical Examination: (i) Height without shoes.- 165 cms provided that concession of 2.5 cms in height shall be allowed for members of the Scheduled Tribes. (ii) Chest (non-expanded):- 81.5 cms (iii) Ches• (upon expansion): 85 cms (iv) Weight: 50 kgs minimum (v) Endurance Test: (a) Carrying a man (fireman lift of 63.5 kgs to a distance of 183 meters within 96 seconds) (b) Clearing 2.7 meters wide ditch landing on both feet (long jumps) (c) Climbing 3 meters vertical rope using hands and feet.
Fire Engine Driver Essential: (i) Matriculation or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board. (ii) Must have at least three years experience of driving heavy vehicle and be in possession of valid driving license issued by the any Government. (iii) Must be physically fit and capable of performing strenuous duties and must have passed the test specified in Note-1 OR Ex-serviceman of appropriate trade. Desirable: (i) Having experience in maintenance and operation of various types of Fire appliances. (ii) Experience of having worked in a regular Civil or Defence Fire Brigade as Fireman from any Government. (iii) Have passed the General Fire Fighting course from any Government recognised institute.
FMT (Fitter Mechanical Transport) (Skilled) (a) (i) 10th pass from a recognized Board or Institute. (ii) Industrial Training Institute Certificate in the trade of Fitter Mechanical Transport from a recognized institute. OR Ex-serviceman in appropriate trade viz, NAC Mechanical (Motor Vehicle)
Tradesman Mate (erstwhile labourer on ammunition duties) Matriculation pass or equivalent qualification from a recognised University or Board OR Ex-servicemen of appropriate trade.
Leather Worker (skilled) (a) (i) 10th pass from a recognized Board or Institute.
(ii) Industrial Training Institute Certificate in the trade of Leather Goods Maker from a recognized institute. OR
(b) Ex-Servicemen in appropriate trade with two years experience.
Turner (Skilled) (a) (i) 10th pass from a recognized Board or Institute.
(ii) Industrial Training Institute Certificate in the trade of Turner from a recognized institute. OR (b) Ex-Servicemen from appropriate trade.
Wireless Operator Mechanic HSW Gd-II (WOM HSW) Industrial Training Institute Certificate in the trade of Wireless Operator Mechanic with two years experience. OR Ex-servicemen from Wireless Operator Mechanic trade with three years’ service.

Application Fee :

There Is No Application Fees.

How to Apply :

Application form duly typed in English /Hindi with recent photograph (passport size) duly self attested Should be Reach within 30 days from the date of the publication of this advertisement in ‘Employment NewsRozgar Samachar’. Any other supporting document (self attested), Self addressed envelope with stamp (S) Rs. 10/- pasted. Address should be typed in English / Hindi. Separate application for each post should be forwarded. Applicants to mention clearly on the envelope “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ——– AND CATEGORY——–” The eligible candidates may address their application to the concerned Stations/Units.

Selection Process :

  • Written Exam.

Important Dates for Indian Air Force Group C Recruitment :

Particulars Date
Application Submission Start Date 02.05.2021
Last Date to Apply Online 16.06.2021

Important Link Area for Indian Air Force Group C Recruitment :

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Application Form Application Form pdf
Syllabus & Exam Pattern
Admit Card
Official Website http://careerairforce.nic.in/
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